I have a great form I am developing in IP 2003.
Based on a person's email, it retreives a travel profile from a SQL table.
I use the following default value to populate the individual fields:
..../../dfs:dataFields/d:tblTravelProfile/@FirstName[xdXDocument:GetDOM("GetUserProperties")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetUserPropertiesResponse/tns:GetUserPropertiesResult/tns:Email = ../@EMail]
All that gets changed is the name of the field in the Travelprofile such as
..../../dfs:dataFields/d:tblTravelProfile/@LastName[xdXDocument:GetDOM("GetUserProperties")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetUserPropertiesResponse/tns:GetUserPropertiesResult/tns:Email = ../@EMail]
What I am experiencing is an inconsistent return of data. The first field
on the form always returns the correct data but the remaining fields
sometimes return data and sometimes they don't.
I even added a NOLOCK clause to the SQL statement just in case the table was
getting locked during data retreival and that did not good.
There are no special characters in the data.
Any idea on where to point me to troubleshoot?
Based on a person's email, it retreives a travel profile from a SQL table.
I use the following default value to populate the individual fields:
..../../dfs:dataFields/d:tblTravelProfile/@FirstName[xdXDocument:GetDOM("GetUserProperties")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetUserPropertiesResponse/tns:GetUserPropertiesResult/tns:Email = ../@EMail]
All that gets changed is the name of the field in the Travelprofile such as
..../../dfs:dataFields/d:tblTravelProfile/@LastName[xdXDocument:GetDOM("GetUserProperties")/dfs:myFields/dfs:dataFields/tns:GetUserPropertiesResponse/tns:GetUserPropertiesResult/tns:Email = ../@EMail]
What I am experiencing is an inconsistent return of data. The first field
on the form always returns the correct data but the remaining fields
sometimes return data and sometimes they don't.
I even added a NOLOCK clause to the SQL statement just in case the table was
getting locked during data retreival and that did not good.
There are no special characters in the data.
Any idea on where to point me to troubleshoot?