sales letter toolbar



Here's where I get stuck when trying to use this template;
Under the left Toolbars available in box, click Close File.
Click Open File, find Sales letter, and click Open.
Click Copy to copy the Sales letter toolbar to the template.

There is nothing in the dialog box when I try to copy letter toolbar to the template

Please help!

Charles Kenyon

I don't have any idea what the Sales Letter template is. You
might want to check with whoever wrote it. I suspect, though, it belongs in
the Word Startup folder. For more on the different kinds of templates, tabs
on the file new dialog, and locations of templates folders see

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


It sounds like you're trying to use the Organizer to copy a toolbar from a
custom template to in order for it to be available in documents
other than just those based on the custom template. Is this close to what you
are asking?

I doubt that the template is named 'Sales letter' - more likely
it is named 'Sales' and it stores the toolbar (possibly named
Sales Letter Toolbar) which you want to copy. If you aren't sure what the
template file (.dot) is called or where it is stored, you can use the search
features to locate it. If the creator of the template didn't store it in the
Templates folder no one else can tell you specifically where to find it.

Once found, however, and selected in the Organizer, the toolbar(s) store in
it will be listed so you can copy them. That doesn't mean thay will work...
it depends on what the buttons on that toolbar activate. If macros/VBA are
involved, that has to be copie over as well, and whether you want all of that
stuffed into is highly questionable.

If I am on track with this interpretation, IMHO, you would do well to find
someone in your organization familiar with the design details & get some
guidance there before you procede with what you are trying to do. If that
can't be done, there are a number of qualified folks in this ng who will be
glad to help, but much more specific info will be required for them to offer
knowledgeable replies.

Regards |:>)

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