C'est Possible
Wish to create a spreadsheet that will track the potential lost sales of accessories if Widgets sales goal is not met. Example: Goal is 30 % accessories. Sold 100 widgets so potential is 30 Widgets with accessories. Created formulas for units, missed units opportunities, and missed sales opportunities
Then I used autofilter with drop-down values from 15%-29% (Likely results compared to goal). But when I click on any value other than 15%-everything disappears
Here are my column headings: Total Units Accessories Goal 30% Actual (with drop down autofilter, Missed Units Oppotunities, Missed Sales Opportunities (@$15 per accessory
Then I used autofilter with drop-down values from 15%-29% (Likely results compared to goal). But when I click on any value other than 15%-everything disappears
Here are my column headings: Total Units Accessories Goal 30% Actual (with drop down autofilter, Missed Units Oppotunities, Missed Sales Opportunities (@$15 per accessory