Sales spreadsheet with variable conditions


C'est Possible

Wish to create a spreadsheet that will track the potential lost sales of accessories if Widgets sales goal is not met. Example: Goal is 30 % accessories. Sold 100 widgets so potential is 30 Widgets with accessories. Created formulas for units, missed units opportunities, and missed sales opportunities
Then I used autofilter with drop-down values from 15%-29% (Likely results compared to goal). But when I click on any value other than 15%-everything disappears
Here are my column headings: Total Units Accessories Goal 30% Actual (with drop down autofilter, Missed Units Oppotunities, Missed Sales Opportunities (@$15 per accessory



I'm not sure I understand what you're doing.............AutoFilter derives
it's dropdown values (except ALL, TOP TEN, and CUSTOM) from the actual
values in each column. If you've got a "29%" value in your "Actual" column,
then AutoFilter ought to return that row for you when you click on that
value in the dropdown box...........if you're using the CUSTOM window, and
seeking a value which does not exist in the column, then everything will
disappear because AutoFilter cannot find any row with that value in the
specified column...........that's the way it's supposed to work.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

C'est Possible said:
Wish to create a spreadsheet that will track the potential lost sales of
accessories if Widgets sales goal is not met. Example: Goal is 30 %
accessories. Sold 100 widgets so potential is 30 Widgets with accessories.
Created formulas for units, missed units opportunities, and missed sales
Then I used autofilter with drop-down values from 15%-29% (Likely
results compared to goal). But when I click on any value other than
15%-everything disappears.
Here are my column headings: Total Units Accessories Goal 30%
Actual (with drop down autofilter, Missed Units Oppotunities, Missed Sales
Opportunities (@$15 per accessory)

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