Same cell name in multiple worksheets



In Excel97 I'm trying to use the same cell name in
multiple worksheets. Within a workbook I create a new
worksheet by copying an "original" sheet and Excel starts
a dialogue that asks me if I want the names on the new
sheet to refer to the cells on the original sheet or
whether I'd like to rename the cells. There's no choice
for having the same name on multiple sheets. I know this
is possible because I have worksheets where the same name
on multiple sheets refer to different cells. Problem is I
can't recall (premature brain deterioration?) how I got
it. Perhaps with templates?

Thanks for responding!

Peo Sjoblom

Right click the sheet tab, select [move or copy], then select create a copy,
rename the sheet..

Ken Wright

When you do Insert / Name, assuming you are on sheet1 and you are naming the cell abc, instead of
just typing abc in the name box, type sheet1!abc and then on sheet2 you type sheet2!abc etc.
Replace sheet1 and sheet2 with whatever your sheet names are. May need single quotes round names
with spaces - can't remember.


That seems to do it! Thanks for the help Ken. I wasted
half a day and then you got me fixed up in a matter of
minutes. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!
-----Original Message-----
When you do Insert / Name, assuming you are on sheet1 and
you are naming the cell abc, instead of
just typing abc in the name box, type sheet1!abc and then
on sheet2 you type sheet2!abc etc.
Replace sheet1 and sheet2 with whatever your sheet names
are. May need single quotes round names


Hi David

I'm sure you know that in Windows we use the "Shift" key to select
multiple items by mouse. Press shift and then click the tabs of all the
sheets on which you want the cell in question. When multiple sheets
are selected, whatever you type in the sheet you're currently on is
entered in all the sheets.


Ken Wright

LOL - Drives you nuts when someone does that doesn't it - but just glad I'm on this end of it for
a change. Appreciate the feedback. :)

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