Same jpg in two places?



When I create a photo gallery, I understand that FP automatically puts
images and info into the folder called 'photogallery.' I think FP is
creating thumbnail jpgs in the folder. Should the original sized jpg's
stay outside the folders listed along with the htm pages? It seems like
there would eventually be alot of jpg's out in the "field" and
unorganized. Should I move them to the images folder? Should I create
subfolders in the images folder? And if I should, how will FP know
where to look for them? Do I tell FP by moving the jpg's to the image
folder on my home computer and then publish the changed 'image' folder
to the remote site? Thank you so much for your help.

Steve Easton

I would recommend that you *not* try to reorganize the images "after" FrontPage has created the

The best thing to do is start with a new empty folder named whatever you want to name it. gallery1
for example.
then import the images you want into gallery1. Then create a new photogallery inside gallery1 and
then publish it exactly as FrontPage makes it.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thank you, Steve, for your advice. I just changed a picture in a
photogallery and published it to my website and FP didn't know what I
did. After fiddling with it for an hour I realized that not only is the
new jpg supposed to be listed in the photogallery folder, it has to be
listed in the images folder also. So I put a copy into images and bing
the website opened the gallery. Pursuing your advice, if I create a new
folder and import the images into it, I then have to delete the original
photogallery from the webpage, create a new photogallery on the webpage
using the new folder, and then send all that to the website? Should I
delete the photogallery subfolder from the website also?

Steve Easton

Create your new folder and then the photogallery inside of it.
Delete the old photogallery.
Recalculate hyperlinks and then Publish.
FrontPage "should" prompt you about deleting the old files and folders from the website when you

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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........................with a computer

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