same problem



pipsa said:
same problem here...
can anyone help?

Hang on while I polish up my crystal ball to see what your problem might be

Ah yes - now I see your problem - it is terminal imprecision.

Next question?



Randall Arnold said:
Pemo, where can the rest of us get one of those crystal balls?

Easy. I drew it in Visio 2000; changed the *.vsd extension to *.mgc;
imported it into Abracadabra suite where the missing vowels "a" and "i"
were inserted and thusly saved it as a *.magic object which, when printed on
my custom-built vector-to-3D transmodulator, became my crystal ball.

Nothing to it, really - for Australians, that is ;-)


Al Edlund

Truly impressed with your prestidigitation.
Pemo said:
Easy. I drew it in Visio 2000; changed the *.vsd extension to *.mgc;
imported it into Abracadabra suite where the missing vowels "a" and "i"
were inserted and thusly saved it as a *.magic object which, when printed on
my custom-built vector-to-3D transmodulator, became my crystal ball.

Nothing to it, really - for Australians, that is ;-)


/ Oz \ Melbourne
\_,--.x/ Australia

billyjoe jimbob

I tried it following your directions but mine came out upside down here in Alabama, USA.

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