Same Toolbar for all users


Tom Thompson

Hello All,

Here's one I can't find in ANY book!

I've created my templates for our compant fax and letters and everything
looks and works smashingly. NOW! I have been asked to set up a custom
toolbar on each users computer that lists all the templates and macros I've
created. I've done this on my system and could walk to each users machine
to set up the same thing, but who wants to leave the confort of thier chair?

Am I able to somehow configure this custom toolbar for everyone on my
network through code or a registry edit??

Thanks in advance !!


Charles Kenyon

See <URL:> for step-by-step
instructions on moving / sharing / copying customizations including
AutoText, AutoCorrect, keyboard assignments, macros, etc. You may also want
to explore <URL:>.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Tom Thompson

Thanks Jonathan,

Helped alot. It seems everytime I ask a question I am told to visit

What a great resource! I'll be sure to try thier first before posting to
the groups.

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