Save a custom toolbar in the Entreprise Global


Gros Minet

Hello !

Could you give me a reliable procedure to save a custom toolbar in the
Entreprise Global, such as I could retreive it at the next opening of
Project Pro.

Thanks ahaed.


Gros Minet

Hello Ray,

Thanks a lot ! (I believed that the toolbar was saved automatically in the
Enterprise Global ;-(...
But it seems, after a number of trials, that the buttons of the toolbar must
point to macros in the VBAProject(Globale(+Entreprise non mise en cache))
instead of the same macros in the VBAProject(Enterpise Globale Extraite)
Am I right ?

Thanks for your help!

Ray McCoppin

That is correct to distribute your marco's and toolbar using the enterprise
global your will need to move them to the enterprise global and it would be
adiseable to point your toolbar buttons to the macro's in the enterprise

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