Save a Report from Macro



I am developing a database in Access 97 and will
eventually upload it to a computer running Access in
Office XP. I have a Macro that prints a report containing
several records based on a query. How can I automatically
save the report and print it, not just print it. I know I
can print-preview the report and then physically print and
save it, but I would like to automate it.

Can you include the current date in the name given to the
saved report?

Thank you for your input.

Steve Schapel


I am not 100% sure what you really want to achieve here. There is
really so such thing as "save" a report. Well, there is save the
report's design... but I suspect this is not what you mean, as the
design has presumably already been saved. You can output the report
to a number of file formats, the "native" one being as a Snapshot.
For this, you can use an OutputTo macro action.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

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