Save a subset of a document



I have a document with 12 chapters. Each time I save it I have to send
chapters 2,3 and 8 to one group and chapters 1,7 and 10 to another group.
Is there a way to automatically have these sub documents update when I
update the main document, or a way to have it automatically export these
chapters to create the two sub documents with a macro or something.

I'm using Office 2007.


Cindy M.

Hi Jon,
I have a document with 12 chapters. Each time I save it I have to send
chapters 2,3 and 8 to one group and chapters 1,7 and 10 to another group.
Is there a way to automatically have these sub documents update when I
update the main document, or a way to have it automatically export these
chapters to create the two sub documents with a macro or something.

I'm using Office 2007.
I'd say:

Copy these chapters into separate document files.

Insert tab, Text group, Object button, select "Text from file"

Choose a chapter document, click the dropdown arrow next to the Insert
button and choose to insert with a link. Repeat for each chapter.

Now you can edit the chapters individually or in the main document. IF you
edit in the main document, be sure to click in each linked item and press
Ctrl+Shift+F7 to update the information back to the source file.

Now you can easily send around the chapter files...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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