Save a Word File



I have a macro that saves an Excel file with specific name and path (see
However, I want to create a macro to save a word file as a doc in the same
way I am doing for excel.
The information I want to take from the word file to create the file name is
location in "Ln7,Col1" and "Ln8,Col1". The path will be C:\Mario\VB\Word and
the file name template is

Thanks in advance.

Sub SaveExcelFile()

Dim Tract As String
Dim WO As String
Dim Supplier As String
Dim Dates As String
Dim Hours As String
Dim sFilename As String

WO = Worksheets("Gradation Form").Range("G2")
Tract = Worksheets("Gradation Form").Range("G3")
Supplier = Worksheets("Gradation Form").Range("C6")
Dates = Worksheets("Gradation Form").Range("G4")
Hours = Worksheets("Gradation Form").Range("G5")

Progname = "C:\Mario\VB\Excel\" & WO & "_" & Tract & "_" & Supplier & "_" &
Dates & "_" & Hours & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Progname
End Sub

Word Heretic

G'day maperalia <[email protected]>,

Your ActiveDocument has a Table with Cells. Each cell contains 2 extra
characters at its end to mark end of content and end of cell. Eg

With ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
Name = StripCell(.cell(7,1)) & Stripcell(.cell(8,1)
end with
Activedocument.SaveAs name

Function StripCell(byval aCell as Cell) as String
StripCell = Acell.range.text
Stripcell = left$(stripcell, len(stripcell)-2)
End function

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

maperalia reckoned:

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