Save As acts differently depending on whether you use cut and paste or not


Tom G.

I have noticed with Word 2003, that Save As works differently if you
have used cut and paste as compared to when you haven't.

To see what I am talking about, do the following:

1). Create a new document, type hello test, and save as Test1.doc.
2). Now cut and paste some thing in the document.
3). Save As Test2.doc.
4). Click on File -> Close.

After step 1 and before step 3, I see ~Test1.doc. After step 3, I see
both ~Test1.doc and ~Test2.doc. After step 3, I see ~Test1.doc.

If you repeat the steps above but leave out step 2, you will see
~Test1.doc before save as Test2.doc. As soon as you save as
Test2.doc, the ~Test1.doc goes away and you only have ~Test2.doc.
Once you close Test2.doc, you no longer have any ~ files.

Why the difference? Why is cutting and pasting making Word hold onto
the first file?

This is causing problems in a program of mine that automates word.


Tom Grant

Stefan Blom

I'm not sure, but my guess is that it has to do with the fact that you can
paste data as links (via Paste Special).

For more on how Word handles temporary files, see this KB article:

Description of how Word creates temporary files

For assistance with programming, ask in a programming newsgroup, such as

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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news:[email protected]...

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