Save As and Delete Original



Is there any way to setup Microsoft Word to delete the original
document when you execute a Save As?

I have a situation where there is a locked down directory that is
read-only, and the user is responsible for either saving into our
document management program or saving to another directory structure,
and in doing so, we would like the original file deleted to prevent
duplicates. Is this even possible?

Jean-Guy Marcil

(e-mail address removed) was telling us:
(e-mail address removed) nous racontait que :
Is there any way to setup Microsoft Word to delete the original
document when you execute a Save As?

I have a situation where there is a locked down directory that is
read-only, and the user is responsible for either saving into our
document management program or saving to another directory structure,
and in doing so, we would like the original file deleted to prevent
duplicates. Is this even possible?

If the document is in a Read-Only folder, I do not believe a regular user
can delete it.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:


Normally, no, but we have the directory structure setup in NTFS so that
the user can import files into the new document management system,
delete files, but not write to the folder. My concern is not as much
the directory's permission structure itself but getting Word to delete
the orginal file on a save as. Thanks though!

Jean-Guy Marcil

(e-mail address removed) was telling us:
(e-mail address removed) nous racontait que :
Normally, no, but we have the directory structure setup in NTFS so
that the user can import files into the new document management
system, delete files, but not write to the folder. My concern is not
as much the directory's permission structure itself but getting Word
to delete the orginal file on a save as. Thanks though!

Well, not sure if this will work with your setup, but try this:

Sub FileSaveAs()

Dim myFileName As String

myFileName = ActiveDocument.FullName


Kill myFileName

End Sub

If the Sub is called FileSaveAs, it will be invoked whenever you do File >
But not when you do File > Save (For that, called the macro Sub
FileSave()... End Sub)

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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