save as , and dellete botton after saving one page.



Dear All

I have one problem with my data sheets, I have along list of requests from
my suppliers, each line have one defirant request screen, in the request
screnn I have 3 bootms, 1- copy, 2- email, 3- save.
as when I have make new screen, and add all the information of the request
and save it, with the bottom (save) the function save it as the last line no
( ex no 120 ) in the requests list, but if I have to make any change in the
same recest screen ( ex no 120) , and I have already new line with the no
121, if i press the bottom save in the file no 120, it withh save it as 121,
and it is problem for me, how I could deleet the bottom save , or to make it
not to svae the edit request screen as for the last line as the new request
my next broplam is how i could make the save bottom to be in spicial folder
and no in my document as it is now.
please see the function of the save botton.

Filename:="\\appserver\users\m\FILE 02-\"
=SAVE.AS('[test.xls]Cosmetic 02-2009'!$A$1)
= cellect ()
= clear()

thanks for your help.

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