Save As Dialog file name and location



The following code will not default the Save As dialog box to the C:\
directory. The "fred.doc" filename appears correctly, but the
directory is not correct.

With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs)
.Name = "C:\fred.doc"
.Format = wdFormatDocument
End With

Interestingly, if I use .Name = "C:\" and leave off the file name, the
directory in the Save As dialog box is correct. The problem only
occurs when both the file name and directory are used in the .Name

Am I doing something wrong? Using Word 2003 SP2.

Thanx in advance!

Vishal Chopra

I tried the same code.
But for me it saved worked correct.
i even gave different path in the .name
and it always gave the dialog box with the correct path and the name of the
document also appeared correctly


Charles Kenyon

I just tried your code and it worked fine. Word 2003 SP1

By the way, I hope this example is abbreviated. There is no way you want to
be saving files to your C: root directory. It gets overly clutterd as it is.
Charles Kenyon

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No, the example I gave is just a sample of some code that isn't
working. I got the code down to this little snippet and it wasn't
working properly. I wonder if it's something that broke in SP2???

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