"Save as ..." dialog


Rainald Taesler

Another strange difference with the appearance of the "Save as .."
dialog on my 2 Machines:

1.) On my desktop the dialog box looks rather strange:
In the left column (in GUI terms so-called "Outlook Bar") there are
small icons with denominators to the right of the icons.

2.) On my TabletPC the icons have the standard size of the "CommDlg"
and the denominators below the icons.

How can it be that the same thing appears that different on two

P.S. Apart from the above: The dialog in his whole appearance is not
conforming with the Windows standard dialog for opening/saving files
(strange width exceeding proportions, buttons misplaced). Seems to be
some "home-brew" construction of the ON team instead of using the
standard classes of Windows.

Patrick Schmid

P.S. Apart from the above: The dialog in his whole appearance is not
conforming with the Windows standard dialog for opening/saving files
(strange width exceeding proportions, buttons misplaced). Seems to be
some "home-brew" construction of the ON team instead of using the
standard classes of Windows.
The dialog on my computer is identical to what the dialog looks like in
PPT, Excel and Word. Do those conform to the Windows standard for you?

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Patrick Schmid shared these words of wisdom:
The dialog on my computer is identical to what the dialog looks
like in PPT, Excel and Word. Do those conform to the Windows
standard for you?

The latter do. Especially in PowerPoint (in Word there is slight
variation [an addition which is a bit misplaced]).

But you are not precise enough.
They are not *IDENTICAL*.
They are *similar*.
Even the icon for "My Documents" (Eigene Dateien) and the text of two
items are not identical.

Pls be so kind as to compare the designs.

It's not a big thing but it's just not consistent as it should be.


Rainald Taesler

As a follow up:
Harroooh! The riddle has been solved due to Patrick's great support!
No need to file a bug, it's a feature ;-)
After having exchanged screenshots by mail (although in principle it's
really good that binary attachments are not allowed in here, at times
it would be most useful to *see* what's the matter) the solution of
the riddle is as follows:

In Office 2007 in general a modified Dialog (a variation of the
traditional ComonDlg class) is implemented which offers customizing.
Apart from the addition of a "Tools" button in the lower left corner
now a right-click on any icon in the left pane (so-called OutlookBar)
opens a context menu which among others has the option "Small Icons".
Although IMHO it looks rather ugly with the small icons and the text
to their right, this feature may be useful if one customizes this part
of the dialog by adding additional locations (folders).
Apart from the need to get used to the Cinema Scope format of the new
dialog <g>, I must say that this an improvement and I'm looking
forward to having it in the other Office applications too.


Rainald Taesler shared these words of wisdom:

Patrick Schmid

I just checked this with Excel 2003. The right-click menu existed
already there.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Patrick Schmid shared these words of wisdom:
I just checked this with Excel 2003. The right-click menu existed
already there.

As well as in Word, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, Outlook, Publisher ...
So I assume it was in Office throughout.
But did happen to know this?

What's new is (a) the feature to add additional locations and the
"Tools"-Button (apart from the loation of the buttons on the right

One learns day by day ;-)

P.S. Thanks again for having kept form "crying wolf" in Connect ;-)

Patrick Schmid

As well as in Word, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, Outlook, Publisher ...
So I assume it was in Office throughout.
But did happen to know this?
I didn't know about this right-click menu until I looked at the dialog
closely when you sent your screenshots...
One learns day by day ;-)
Of course.
P.S. Thanks again for having kept form "crying wolf" in Connect ;-)
Wouldn't have been a big deal. Happens all the time. Quite often, you
learn new things when you submit one of those bug reports. I would say
among the ~350 bug reports I have submitted for Office 2007 since
November, there are probably a few dozens of those.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Patrick Schmid shared these words of wisdom:
Wouldn't have been a big deal. Happens all the time.

Could be.
But crying wolf to often makes that no one listens any more ...

I would say among the ~350 bug reports I have submitted
for Office 2007 since November

Myomy. Quite heavy.

Thanks again

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