Save As...FirstLetter only



Hi All.....
I recently had to enploy the "Windows compatibility" feature on a WinXP
machine to revert my Excel97.exe to operate as on WinMe. This worked fine
and my program now runs good. Another problem, apparently related, is that
now when I try to do a "Save As", the filename gets changed only to the
FirstLetter of the new name I'm trying to give it. ie: "Assistant1.xls"
becomes "A.xls".......which is unacceptable of course, and does so on two
different machines. Does anyone know what might be causing this and how to

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Dave Peterson

I don't use xl97, but I've never read any posts that say it needs to be run in
compatibility mode.

I've read a few posts that say removing the compatibility mode stuff will fix
the single character save problem.


97 ran fine on this WinXP machine. My new Excel Program ran fine in 97 on
the WinXP macnine.....until I linked a bunch of macros together. Then I
started getting a failure and "Out of Memory" error near the end of the
string of macros. I had plenty of memory, and my program would fun fine in
WinMe, just not in WinXP which I needed it to do. The only way I could get
my program to run on a WinXP machine was to do the "Windows Compatibility"
thing and set Excel.exe back to work like WinMe. Then the program ran fine,
but I have this "Save As" problem, which of course is unacceptable......and
as I've said in another post, the "Windows Compatibility" thing does not
work at all on Excel2000sp3. Does anyone know of another workaround for my
filename problem?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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