Save As missing in Word 2004


Steve Basile

I'm experiencing a problem where Microsoft Word, as a part of Office 2004,
is missing the menu item "Save As."

G5 dual
OS X 10.4.8
Microsoft Office 2004
Many other third-party apps

In an attempt to resolve the problem I have:
Replaced the existing Office with a new one from CD
Updated to latest Office release
Removed the Office Startup Item
Cleared disk caches and repaired permissions
Thrown away the "" file

Any other ideas on what I can replace or trash to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Steve B.
(e-mail address removed)


Hi Steve -

Try Tools>Customize>Customize Toolbars/Menus, on the Toolbars page click the
name of the Menu Bar then click the Reset button & OK out. If that doesn't
do it, go back to the same place, but on the Commands page locate the Save
As command in the File category & drag it to the File Menu on the Menu Bar
toolbar & into position on the menu.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Steve Basile


I tried out your suggestion to reset the menus. It worked.

Thank you.


CyberTaz wrote on 10/19/06 10:07 PM:


Glad to help - and keep it in mind for future reference... As our associates
across the 'Pond' might say, Word's menu's & toolbars sometimes have a
tendency to "go walkies";)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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