Save as, not overwrite



Hi there,

The following code saves the spreadsheet in question, overwriting any
existing with the same name, that is found on the Desktop.

How can i change this code such that it prompts me to Save As, rather than

Any help is appreciated greatly,

pathToUserDesktop = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & _
Get_Win_User_Name() & "\Desktop\" & newWorkbookName
'save new workbook, but don't nag
'user with "file exists" message
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
With Workbooks(destBook)
'renames it while saving it
'will overwrite existing file of same name
.SaveAs pathToUserDesktop
'close it
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Trevor Shuttleworth

Suggest you remove:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

The code *is* doing a Save As ... you just choose to allow it to overwrite
an existing file.



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