Save As not working on Win 98 Mapped Drive



This one is driving me nuts!

I have two Win XP pcs running Office 2000 Standard SR1. Both have a mapped
drive to a folder hosted on a Win 98 pc running FAT32. The Win 98 share is
not protected by any passwords.

Files from the mapped drive can be opened quite happily in any of the Office
applications. However, if one tries to use the Save As command to save the
opened file as something else on the mapped drive an error msg saying that
the drive:\folder path\ is inaccessaible or protected by a password.

If I do the same with any other application then there is no problem - only
Office applications are behaving this way.

Using Explorer in Win XP allows me to copy and rename files 'til I'm blue in
the face.

As Office seems to be able to open and save as to a remote NT server
(impracticle in normal operation) it seems to be an issue the drive mapping
to a Win 98 share and the use of XP/Office 2000

Any suggestions?


If you installed Windows update KB885250 "MS05-011: Vulnerability
in server message block could allow remote code execution" on the
WinXP computers, try uninstalling KB885250 in Start | Control
Panel | Add/Remove Programs. See "You cannot save a file
from your Windows XP-based or Windows 2000-based computer to a
shared folder on a file server" for more information.


Thanks for the reply. I'll have a look at it as soon as I get back to the
office. In the meantime, I'm curious as to why only files created with Office
applications seem to be effected. In addition, new files can be created in
the share. It only seems to prevent existing files being saved as something
else when doing so within Office applications.

Would the update you mention below cause such a selective problem?


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