save as or 1 time back up button for one note



It would be nice to quickly be able to send a backup to another location
without needing to permanently change the path. As a law student I use one
note daily and am terrified that my notebook will be damaged or stolen
(probably right at the end of the semester right before finals). I am not
always at home where my external hard drive is when I would like to backup.
The university provides us 2 Gig of space on their system but you must go
through an elaborate sign in to get to it making it possible to backup there,
but impractical to leave it as a permanent path. A feature like “save asâ€
which would allow a specified location for a 1 time backup would be great.

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Kathy Jacobs

Do you want to save all your sections at once this way? Reason I ask is
because you can do a save as on any section and save it anywhere you want.

If you really mean to save all sections at once, why not do it from Windows
Explorer? Go to your "My Notebook" file, select all, copy, move to your
university space, paste.

Another option would be to use the Share with Others task pane. The last
option on the task pane is to "Share this section". It will let you save the
current section to any mapped shared drive. Save, change sections, save,


no help, just letting you know that I agree. I am in exactly the same
situation. I want to very easily be able to back all of my class folder to a
hard copy, but it just isn't that easy to do.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Kathy's suggestion of backing up the entire "My Notebook" folder works
better, and does not require you to close OneNote.

Lawrence E. Oliver

For an immediate backup you're correct.

However, I have about 6 different file/folder backup's to a file-server on
my home network - when I close down at the end of the day, I close all
programs & run the SyncToy in it's 'All Folder Pairs' and everything I need
is backed-up.

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