Save As .pptx not available after Compatibility Pack installed


Dave Jenkins

I have installed the Compatibility Pack (CP) on an XP SP2 system running
Offfice 2003, which Microsoft Update reports as being up to date.

1. The CP install is remarkably silent and uninformative - don't know where
anything got put. I guess that's not important, because the effect of the CP
is only evident through the Open and Save capabilities of the Office
components themsleves - is that true?

2. After the CP install, I was able to successsfully open a .pptx file in
2003 without getting any error messages. Is that proof positive that the CP
was installed and is working? How else can one tell if the CP was, in fact,
successfully installed and operational?

3. I thought, from reading some MS KBs, that after the CP install I would
be able to do a PPT Save As .pptx - is that not true? "PowerPoint
Presentation (*.pptx)" (or anything akin to that) is not one of my Save As
choices - is that as it should be?


JoAnn Paules

I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of my
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats available.
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question


Dave Jenkins said:
3. I thought, from reading some MS KBs, that after the CP install I would
be able to do a PPT Save As .pptx - is that not true? "PowerPoint
Presentation (*.pptx)" (or anything akin to that) is not one of my Save As
choices - is that as it should be?

yes - the compatibility pack only allows reading of 2007 documents.

Dave Jenkins

Other than the Save As options you see, how else can you tell that the CP has
been successfully deployed on your system?

Also, please take a look at Gordon's post, below, which states that it's
only the component Open behavior that's affected by the CP. Can you
reconcile that with your experience? That is, are there CP verions? Any
weird dependencies that my in play here?

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules said:
I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of my
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats available.
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Dave Jenkins

Gordon said:
yes - the compatibility pack only allows reading of 2007 documents.

Given what JoAnn said above, any idea as to how to reconcile her experience
with the CP and your information about it affecting Open behavior only?

Also: How can I tell if the CP has really been installed?


Dave Jenkins

Dave Jenkins said:
I have installed the Compatibility Pack (CP) on an XP SP2 system running
Offfice 2003, which Microsoft Update reports as being up to date.

1. The CP install is remarkably silent and uninformative - don't know where
anything got put. I guess that's not important, because the effect of the CP
is only evident through the Open and Save capabilities of the Office
components themsleves - is that true?


I managed to find the Compatibility Pack in the Control Panel Add/Remove
Software list of installed programs, so I guess it's in there. That kind of
answers my Question 1 (although I wish the install were a little more
verbose, and I wish the MS documentation were a little more infomrative as to
what to expect.)

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules said:
I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of my
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats available.
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

I went back and very carefully scrutinized the Save As dialog "Save as type"
list of file types -- top to bottom. It's the same as it's always been -- no
..pptx, .pptm, etc. No 2007 anything, for that matter.


Dave Jenkins

Dave Jenkins said:
JoAnn Paules said:
I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of my
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats available.
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

I went back and very carefully scrutinized the Save As dialog "Save as type"
list of file types -- top to bottom. It's the same as it's always been -- no
.pptx, .pptm, etc. No 2007 anything, for that matter.

And for what it's worth: I went into Word 2003, and looked at the Save As
choices there, and there *are* a couple of 2007 formats available - .docx and
..docm, IIRC. So how come none for PowerPoint?

JoAnn Paules

No clue unless there were different version of the pack. Can you try
uninstalling it and installing it again from the web?

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Dave Jenkins said:
Dave Jenkins said:
JoAnn Paules said:
I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

I went back and very carefully scrutinized the Save As dialog "Save as
list of file types -- top to bottom. It's the same as it's always
been -- no
.pptx, .pptm, etc. No 2007 anything, for that matter.

And for what it's worth: I went into Word 2003, and looked at the Save As
choices there, and there *are* a couple of 2007 formats available - .docx
.docm, IIRC. So how come none for PowerPoint?

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules said:
No clue unless there were different version of the pack. Can you try
uninstalling it and installing it again from the web?

Well, I'm stumped. And out of ideas for things to try.

I did find one post online that said that you really needed to make sure
that you had all priority Office updates installed. Which I thought I had.
Nevertheless, I checked again (using Microsoft Update) and didn't have
anything to install. There were a bunch of optional updates, but I opted not
to install those.

I re-downloaded the CP package. (When I downloaded it the first time, the
download was interrupted; I restarted it, and it seemed to finish properly.
At least it ran ok (best as I can tell - it doesn't talk to you very much)).
It installed OK.

I opened (in 2003) a .pptx file. It converted it to a read-only .ppt file
and gave it a generated name. (Is that what it does for you?) However, there
are *still* no 2007 choices in the PowerPoint Save As filetypes. Nor are
there any in the Excel Save As choices. There are still the 2007 types
available in the Word choices, however.

The fact that I can open the .pptx file seems to tell me that something in
the CP is working ok. It's just the dang saving that's problematic at this
point. Also, the fact that both Excel and PPT exhibit the same symptoms
ought to be significant, but I really don't know what else to try at this
point. Any ideas?

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules

I opened a 2003 file and tried a save as. What I didn't do was to try a 2007
file because I don't have any. Let me see if I can find something and see
what happens.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

JoAnn Paules

Nope. I found a Microsoft .pptx file on the web. I was able to open it with
no problems and save it as a 2007 file.

Are these files on your local drive or a network drive? (I'm not sure if
that would matter but I'm trying to help you narrow down the potential

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules said:
Nope. I found a Microsoft .pptx file on the web. I was able to open it with
no problems and save it as a 2007 file.

Are these files on your local drive or a network drive? (I'm not sure if
that would matter but I'm trying to help you narrow down the potential

Lemme reconstruct ... Thew .pptx file I opened was on another PC in the
room. PPT 2003 opened it ok, as I said, and announced that it would be
read-only. It gave it a new name of Pxxxxxxx.ppt while in the PPT editor. I
was able to save it ok as a 2003 file. What I was NOT able to do was get the
option of saving it as a .pptx file.

I also opened a local (local to the PPT 2003 system) .ppt file but wasn't
able to save it as a .pptx either.

I've disabled all of the PPT addins I have running, and that doesn't make
any difference. I've also rebooted after disabling them, just to make sure.
No joy...

Echo S

Hi, Dave,

The compat pack can be seen in Windows Control Panel | Add-Remove Programs.
Make sure to click "show updates" at the top of the Add-Remove Programs
window, and look for "Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office System."

And, as JoAnn mentioned, you should be able to save as PPTX, PPTM, POTX,
POTM, PPSX, and PPSM. I can here. Choose File | Save as, and those options
are at the very very bottom of the "save as type" dropdown. Also, you must
have all critical Windows Updates (as of about mid-August or mid-September,
I believe it was) installed in order for the Compatibility Pack to work

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

Dave Jenkins said:
Other than the Save As options you see, how else can you tell that the CP
been successfully deployed on your system?

Also, please take a look at Gordon's post, below, which states that it's
only the component Open behavior that's affected by the CP. Can you
reconcile that with your experience? That is, are there CP verions? Any
weird dependencies that my in play here?

Dave Jenkins

JoAnn Paules said:
I can. I'm running XP Pro and Office 2003 with the pack and it's one of
options. There are about 7 or 8 different PowerPoint 2007 formats
Look at the bottom of your Save As file type list.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Dave Jenkins said:
I have installed the Compatibility Pack (CP) on an XP SP2 system running
Offfice 2003, which Microsoft Update reports as being up to date.

1. The CP install is remarkably silent and uninformative - don't know
anything got put. I guess that's not important, because the effect of
is only evident through the Open and Save capabilities of the Office
components themsleves - is that true?

2. After the CP install, I was able to successsfully open a .pptx file
2003 without getting any error messages. Is that proof positive that
was installed and is working? How else can one tell if the CP was, in
successfully installed and operational?

3. I thought, from reading some MS KBs, that after the CP install I
be able to do a PPT Save As .pptx - is that not true? "PowerPoint
Presentation (*.pptx)" (or anything akin to that) is not one of my Save
choices - is that as it should be?


Echo S

Sorry to be late to the thread. I just posted something to that effect.

You should be able to save as 2007 format files.

"By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000,
Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files
using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. The
Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office
Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view
files saved in these new formats. For more information about the
Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074."

(KB 924074 is on this topic: When you create a document in a right-to-left
language or in a complex script language by using Word 2007 and then open
the document in Word 2002 or in Word 2000, any right-to-left text appears

Anyway, the compat pack download page does say this, as you're aware: "Users
of the Microsoft Office XP and 2003 programs Word, Excel, or
PowerPoint—please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update
before downloading the Compatibility Pack." You might double-check Microsoft
/ Windows Update just to make sure.

I really think that's the problem, but it's odd because you don't seem to
have any high-priority updates left to install. Maybe try uninstalling the
compat pack from add/remove programs, then reboot. Run Detect and Repair
(Help | Detect and Repair.) Then reboot again. Then reinstall the compat
pack. When you download it, press save and double-click to run it from your
harddrive, don't try to install it from the web directly. Then reboot again
and see if PPT 2003 now has the 2007 formats as options in the Save As |
Save as Type dropdown. If not, try running Detect and Repair again, so
you've run it after installing the compat pack.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

Dave Jenkins said:
Dave Jenkins said:
I have installed the Compatibility Pack (CP) on an XP SP2 system running
Offfice 2003, which Microsoft Update reports as being up to date.

1. The CP install is remarkably silent and uninformative - don't know
anything got put. I guess that's not important, because the effect of
the CP
is only evident through the Open and Save capabilities of the Office
components themsleves - is that true?


I managed to find the Compatibility Pack in the Control Panel Add/Remove
Software list of installed programs, so I guess it's in there. That kind
answers my Question 1 (although I wish the install were a little more
verbose, and I wish the MS documentation were a little more infomrative as
what to expect.)

JoAnn Paules

I honestly don't know. I don't suppose you have an IT department there?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

Dave Jenkins said:
JoAnn Paules said:
Nope. I found a Microsoft .pptx file on the web. I was able to open it
no problems and save it as a 2007 file.

Are these files on your local drive or a network drive? (I'm not sure if
that would matter but I'm trying to help you narrow down the potential
Dave Jenkins said:

No clue unless there were different version of the pack. Can you try
uninstalling it and installing it again from the web?

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

Well, I'm stumped. And out of ideas for things to try.

I did find one post online that said that you really needed to make
that you had all priority Office updates installed. Which I thought I
Nevertheless, I checked again (using Microsoft Update) and didn't have
anything to install. There were a bunch of optional updates, but I
to install those.

I re-downloaded the CP package. (When I downloaded it the first time,
download was interrupted; I restarted it, and it seemed to finish
At least it ran ok (best as I can tell - it doesn't talk to you very
It installed OK.

I opened (in 2003) a .pptx file. It converted it to a read-only .ppt
and gave it a generated name. (Is that what it does for you?) However,
are *still* no 2007 choices in the PowerPoint Save As filetypes. Nor
there any in the Excel Save As choices. There are still the 2007 types
available in the Word choices, however.

The fact that I can open the .pptx file seems to tell me that something
the CP is working ok. It's just the dang saving that's problematic at
point. Also, the fact that both Excel and PPT exhibit the same
ought to be significant, but I really don't know what else to try at
point. Any ideas?

Dave Jenkins

Lemme reconstruct ... Thew .pptx file I opened was on another PC in the
room. PPT 2003 opened it ok, as I said, and announced that it would be
read-only. It gave it a new name of Pxxxxxxx.ppt while in the PPT editor.
was able to save it ok as a 2003 file. What I was NOT able to do was get
option of saving it as a .pptx file.

I also opened a local (local to the PPT 2003 system) .ppt file but wasn't
able to save it as a .pptx either.

I've disabled all of the PPT addins I have running, and that doesn't make
any difference. I've also rebooted after disabling them, just to make
No joy...

Dave Jenkins

Echo S said:
Sorry to be late to the thread. I just posted something to that effect.

You should be able to save as 2007 format files.

"By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000,
Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files
using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. The
Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office
Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view
files saved in these new formats. For more information about the
Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074."

(KB 924074 is on this topic: When you create a document in a right-to-left
language or in a complex script language by using Word 2007 and then open
the document in Word 2002 or in Word 2000, any right-to-left text appears

Anyway, the compat pack download page does say this, as you're aware: "Users
of the Microsoft Office XP and 2003 programs Word, Excel, or
PowerPoint—please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update
before downloading the Compatibility Pack." You might double-check Microsoft
/ Windows Update just to make sure.

I really think that's the problem, but it's odd because you don't seem to
have any high-priority updates left to install. Maybe try uninstalling the
compat pack from add/remove programs, then reboot. Run Detect and Repair
(Help | Detect and Repair.) Then reboot again. Then reinstall the compat
pack. When you download it, press save and double-click to run it from your
harddrive, don't try to install it from the web directly. Then reboot again
and see if PPT 2003 now has the 2007 formats as options in the Save As |
Save as Type dropdown. If not, try running Detect and Repair again, so
you've run it after installing the compat pack.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances


I may have a clue here ... I cannot run Detect/Repair on Office stuff on
that system. I get the dreaded "The installation source for this product is
not available. Verify that the source
exists and that you can access it." Perhaps that's what's keeping Office
Update from running? I may have to reinstall Office. Yuck.

Dave Jenkins

Dave Jenkins said:
Echo S said:
Sorry to be late to the thread. I just posted something to that effect.

You should be able to save as 2007 format files.

"By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000,
Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files
using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. The
Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office
Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view
files saved in these new formats. For more information about the
Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074."

(KB 924074 is on this topic: When you create a document in a right-to-left
language or in a complex script language by using Word 2007 and then open
the document in Word 2002 or in Word 2000, any right-to-left text appears

Anyway, the compat pack download page does say this, as you're aware: "Users
of the Microsoft Office XP and 2003 programs Word, Excel, or
PowerPoint—please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update
before downloading the Compatibility Pack." You might double-check Microsoft
/ Windows Update just to make sure.

I really think that's the problem, but it's odd because you don't seem to
have any high-priority updates left to install. Maybe try uninstalling the
compat pack from add/remove programs, then reboot. Run Detect and Repair
(Help | Detect and Repair.) Then reboot again. Then reinstall the compat
pack. When you download it, press save and double-click to run it from your
harddrive, don't try to install it from the web directly. Then reboot again
and see if PPT 2003 now has the 2007 formats as options in the Save As |
Save as Type dropdown. If not, try running Detect and Repair again, so
you've run it after installing the compat pack.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances


I may have a clue here ... I cannot run Detect/Repair on Office stuff on
that system. I get the dreaded "The installation source for this product is
not available. Verify that the source
exists and that you can access it." Perhaps that's what's keeping Office
Update from running? I may have to reinstall Office. Yuck.

This just in:

I was finally able to run Office Update, after getting a magic little
program from MS support: OUCPR.EXE. Once I ran Update, and installed the
updates it identified, Compatibility Pack now works just fine - the extra
file extensions are now appearing in Save As, as advertised.

Thanks for those who took the time to try to help me through this problem,
which turned out to be about a three-level ordeal.

Dave Jenkins

Dave Jenkins

Problem solved, Echo. Once I got Office Update to work, and could apply some
updates, Compatibility Pack works as advertised.

Until the next time ...

Dave Jenkins

Echo S said:
Sorry to be late to the thread. I just posted something to that effect.

You should be able to save as 2007 format files.

"By installing the Compatibility Pack in addition to Microsoft Office 2000,
Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able to open, edit, and save files
using the file formats new to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007. The
Compatibility Pack can also be used in conjunction with the Microsoft Office
Word Viewer 2003, Excel Viewer 2003, and PowerPoint Viewer 2003 to view
files saved in these new formats. For more information about the
Compatibility Pack, see Knowledge Base article 924074."

(KB 924074 is on this topic: When you create a document in a right-to-left
language or in a complex script language by using Word 2007 and then open
the document in Word 2002 or in Word 2000, any right-to-left text appears

Anyway, the compat pack download page does say this, as you're aware: "Users
of the Microsoft Office XP and 2003 programs Word, Excel, or
PowerPoint—please install all High-Priority updates from Microsoft Update
before downloading the Compatibility Pack." You might double-check Microsoft
/ Windows Update just to make sure.

I really think that's the problem, but it's odd because you don't seem to
have any high-priority updates left to install. Maybe try uninstalling the
compat pack from add/remove programs, then reboot. Run Detect and Repair
(Help | Detect and Repair.) Then reboot again. Then reinstall the compat
pack. When you download it, press save and double-click to run it from your
harddrive, don't try to install it from the web directly. Then reboot again
and see if PPT 2003 now has the 2007 formats as options in the Save As |
Save as Type dropdown. If not, try running Detect and Repair again, so
you've run it after installing the compat pack.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

Dave Jenkins said:
Dave Jenkins said:
I have installed the Compatibility Pack (CP) on an XP SP2 system running
Offfice 2003, which Microsoft Update reports as being up to date.

1. The CP install is remarkably silent and uninformative - don't know
anything got put. I guess that's not important, because the effect of
the CP
is only evident through the Open and Save capabilities of the Office
components themsleves - is that true?


I managed to find the Compatibility Pack in the Control Panel Add/Remove
Software list of installed programs, so I guess it's in there. That kind
answers my Question 1 (although I wish the install were a little more
verbose, and I wish the MS documentation were a little more infomrative as
what to expect.)

Echo S

This just in:

I was finally able to run Office Update, after getting a magic little
program from MS support: OUCPR.EXE. Once I ran Update, and installed the
updates it identified, Compatibility Pack now works just fine - the extra
file extensions are now appearing in Save As, as advertised.

Thanks for those who took the time to try to help me through this problem,
which turned out to be about a three-level ordeal.

Thanks for the followup, Dave. I'm sorry you had to resort to MS Support,
but I'm really glad to hear they got you fixed up.

What's new in PowerPoint 2007?
(New!) The PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

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