Save As truncates filenames to 8.3 format



OK, here's a new one:

I have a user who, when she selects Save As for her
spreadsheet, gets a file-save dialog box with ALL her
folders and filenames truncated to 8.3 format.

If she clicks the "up-level" icon (the folder with the up-
arrow on it), then that folder and its files are restored
to her original filenames, and even if she re-opens the
folder in which she was originally saving the file, those
other filenames have been restored as well.

I'll give a t-shirt to the first person who can help me
out ...

Dave Peterson

I've never seen this, you may want to post a few more details for anyone coming

What version of excel?
What version of windows?

Does it occur with all programs? All MSOffice programs?

If it's all programs, I think I'd post to a windows newsgroup.

I did search google newsgroups for
"8.3" file open dialog box
and got tons of hits.

But a lot were from 1995 (when long filenames were added to windows).

Good luck,


Thanks Dave:

Operating system is Windows2000, Excel version is 2002. It
only seems to happen within Excel.

Dave Peterson

This absolutely no help, but may make her life slightly less frustrating.

Have her hit F5 instead of up, then down. F5 refreshes the listing in a lot of
windows explorer like dialogs. (maybe it'll work to toggle the 8.3 to LFNs.)

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