We have several (large) ppt and pptx documents from our client which crash
whenever we save as web page twice in power point 2007! So first it saves,
then it crashes. This can be reproduced on several different computers and
windows opperating systems. If restarting the ppt server each time this does
not occur. Anyone familiar with this bug? Can anyone help. Unfortunately the
documents are classified, but if no one has experienced this before I'll try
to ask them to construct one for sending purpose.
Best Regards,
Marton Bokor
We have several (large) ppt and pptx documents from our client which crash
whenever we save as web page twice in power point 2007! So first it saves,
then it crashes. This can be reproduced on several different computers and
windows opperating systems. If restarting the ppt server each time this does
not occur. Anyone familiar with this bug? Can anyone help. Unfortunately the
documents are classified, but if no one has experienced this before I'll try
to ask them to construct one for sending purpose.
Best Regards,
Marton Bokor