Save as XPS



I am trying to save a Word document as an XPS file but getting a 0x800A1066
Command Failed exception. This same code works fine when I change it to
wdFormatDocument. Any ideas??

Here is my code:

FileName = @"C:\temp\temp.xps";
object FileFormat = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatXPS;
object LockComments = false;
object Password = Type.Missing;
object AddtoRecentFiles = false;
object WritePassword = Type.Missing;
object ReadOnlyRecommended = false;
object EmbedTrueTypeFonts = false;
object SaveNativePictureFormat = false;
object SaveFormsData = false;
object SaveAsAOCELetter = false;
object Encoding = Type.Missing;
object InsertLineBreaks = false;
object AllowSubstitutions = false;
object LineEnding = Word.WdLineEndingType.wdCRLF;
object AddBiDiMarks = false;

doc1.SaveAs(ref FileName,ref FileFormat,ref
LockComments,ref Password,ref AddtoRecentFiles,ref WritePassword,ref
ReadOnlyRecommended,ref EmbedTrueTypeFonts,ref SaveNativePictureFormat,ref
SaveFormsData,ref SaveAsAOCELetter,ref Encoding,ref InsertLineBreaks,ref
AllowSubstitutions,ref LineEnding,ref AddBiDiMarks);


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