I have a macro that creates my file and then saves it. I've just
recently upgraded to Office 2007, and now Excel prompts me to save the
file when it didn't before.
I'm doing a SaveAs, and specifying the path\filename. Can I turn off
the "Do you want to save" message and just do it? Code follows:
Public Sub SaveExcelReport(strFullName As String)
Dim objFS As Object
Dim strFolder As String
On Error GoTo SaveExcelReport_Error:
''Create reports directory if it doesn't exist
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = Left$(strFullName, InStrRev(strFullName, "\", -1,
If Not objFS.folderexists(strFolder) Then
objFS.createfolder (strFolder)
End If
''Overwrite without warning
xlaReport.DisplayAlerts = False
xlaReport.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFullName, xlExcel12, "", "",
False, False, xlNoChange, xlLocalSessionChanges
''Old (Access 2003) version
'xlaReport.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFullName, xlNormal, "", "",
False, False
xlaReport.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
Thanks for taking the time to look,
Chris M.
recently upgraded to Office 2007, and now Excel prompts me to save the
file when it didn't before.
I'm doing a SaveAs, and specifying the path\filename. Can I turn off
the "Do you want to save" message and just do it? Code follows:
Public Sub SaveExcelReport(strFullName As String)
Dim objFS As Object
Dim strFolder As String
On Error GoTo SaveExcelReport_Error:
''Create reports directory if it doesn't exist
Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strFolder = Left$(strFullName, InStrRev(strFullName, "\", -1,
If Not objFS.folderexists(strFolder) Then
objFS.createfolder (strFolder)
End If
''Overwrite without warning
xlaReport.DisplayAlerts = False
xlaReport.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFullName, xlExcel12, "", "",
False, False, xlNoChange, xlLocalSessionChanges
''Old (Access 2003) version
'xlaReport.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strFullName, xlNormal, "", "",
False, False
xlaReport.DisplayAlerts = True
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Description
Resume Next
End Sub
Thanks for taking the time to look,
Chris M.