Save each page as a seperate Snapshot file when Exporting to Snapshot Format


Ed Dobbin

Hi there:
I would like to be able to update my company's intranet
site automatically by having access export the results of
a report to HTML. The only problem is the resulting file
loseses formatting, ie OLE objects and lines. Microsoft
Knowledge base article 209145 says to export to snapshot
format to preserve formatting. This creates one huge
snapshot file. Is there a way to save each page as a
seperate snapshot file? As well I need to rename the
generated files based on the FileNUM field in the query.
So since the fileNUM field is a five character unique
number, I'd like each file to be individually named based
on the value in that field. For example:
The output file should be named
Is any of this possible if so how???
Or is there a much easier way?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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