There is a simple way to use macros to set the "StoppedHere" bookmark in any
file and return to it when you reopen the file using the following macros.
Sub SetStoppedHere()
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("StoppedHere") = False Then
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add Name:="StoppedHere", _
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("StoppedHere").Start = Selection.Start
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("StoppedHere").End = Selection.End
End If
End Sub
Sub GoToStoppedHere()
If ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Exists("StoppedHere") = True Then
End If
End Sub
You can completely automate these macros by renaming them AutoClose and
AutoOpen, respectively, but because some security issues are associated with
macros, you may decide not to use the automated macros. If you do automate
these macros, they will work smoothly in Word 2003, but in Word 2007, you
will have to save your files with macros-enabled, and everytime you open a
file you will be prompted to agree to make macros available. If you give your
files to other folks who use Word 2007, the same prompt will appear even for
files that you created in Word 2003 or saved in the Word 2003 format, and
other users may get the impression that your files are insecure. I suggest
that you see how this works on some test files before you go for the
automated option.
Consider also that you can assign the un-automated macros to shortcut keys
and be one keystroke away from the complete automation without having to deal
with the security issues.