Save file in HTML Format



In Project 2003 there was an option to save a file in specific view in html
format - the save option in html wasn't for all data in the project but the
current view (contained filters, grouping, etc.) which was presented before
the save operation. In Project 2007 the option of saving the file as HTML
file isn't available. Is there any option to save in html file? maybe some
convertor tool which can convert XML file to HTML?

Jim Aksel

You can save down to P2003, open in 2003, then save to HTML.
I think Microsoft is telling us to get good at XML.... which is really just
HTML where you can make up your own tags (well, sort of).

There are some good books on XML. You will need to create a schema and a
tranform to produce the desired results. It will take some getting used to,
but in the end will produce a much better product.
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Thanks but..
If I'm saving in P2003 I'm loosing all P2007 functionality and if I go back
to P2003 to perform the save operation - What is the reason to upgrade to
P2007 :)

Jim Aksel

Amen to that. Time to go to the book store and get good with XML.
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