Save file with name of another file



The desired goal is to convert a WordPefect file to Word and then run a mail merge
to create a new labels document. Ultimately I want to end up with just two documents,
label.wpd and label.doc.

The code I have works most of the time. Occasionally however, it runs into a problem
saving the label file with the name of the data source. The message being that you can’t
save a file with the name of an open file. The data source file is closed when this occurs
but apparently not released from memory.

Is there a better way I can go about this and to make sure the data source file is
completely released? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The process I’m using is as follows:

Convert all .wpd files to .doc

For each .doc file – create a table and run a mail merge
Document.Open . FoundFiles(i)

File 1 Opens (Becomes the data source)
Create a table to be used as the data source.

Will refer to the current file name (myName) for data source
myName = ActiveDocument.FullName

File 1 Closes
ActiveDocument.Close savechanges:=wdSaveChanges

File 2 Opens (the main document)
Create main document
Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument

Use myName as the data source

File 3 Opens (the merge to new doc label file)
With ActiveDocument.MailMerge
.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument

File 2 Activated
Activates main document

File 2 Closes
Close main document without saving changes
ActiveDocument.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

File 3 Active
Saves the labels file with name of data source (myName)
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=myName

File 3 Closes
Closes labels file

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