Save in location button


Ravi Sandhu

Hello all

This is how my button is programmed...


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.TextBox1.Text = Date
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MyPath = "\\tprc1fanp001\shared\Enforcement, Enquiry & Complaints\Manual
Payment History\" 'Set the Path
MyFileName = "Date" & Me.TextBox1.Text & ".xls" 'Create the File Name
MySaveString = MyPath & MyFileName 'String the two together

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=MySaveString, FileFormat:= _
xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub

This is my error message:

Run Time Error '1004':
Microsoft Excel cannot access the file '\\tprc1fanp001\shared\Enforcement,
Enquiry & Complaints\Manual Payment History\Date06\02' There are several
possible reasons:
-The file name or path name does not exist
-The file you're trying to open is being used by another program.

Close the document in the other program, and try again

End or Debug

Jim Rech

A slash is not a valid file name character. I'd suggest you generate the
date string with something like this:


David McRitchie

Hyphens and underscores are valid. Underscores get hidden if hyperlinks
are involved. But would certainly suggest using four digit year and
placing year before month before day of month, so you can sort
on filename when looking at a directory. i.e.
format(now(),"yyyy-mm-dd") -or-

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