save large documents


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Start by saving it to the hard drive. Don't ever save directly to a floppy
or any other type of removable media (with the possible exception of a USB
flash drive, which is the equivalent of a HD). Then copy to whatever sort of
removable media you have access to. This could be a CD, a Zip drive, a USB
drive, etc. If a floppy is your only alternative, you can either:

1. Compress the file using a utility such as WinZip.

2. Use a backup utility to copy the file to several floppies. You will need
to have this same utility installed on the computer to which you hope to
restore the file.

Graham Mayor

On your hard drive! You should *never* save to floppy. If you want to
transport the document, use a compression tool like Winzip or WinRar to copy
it to several floppies from the hard drive.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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Word MVP web site
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Dayo Mitchell

Juanita, if you don't mind spending a bit of money (~$30-100?), "flash
drives" or "key drives" are portable storage options that hold much more
than a floppy--they plug into a USB port and all relatively recent computers
should read them without a problem. You should be able to Google either
term for more information.

Graham and Suzanne, with a flash drive of say 64MB or 128MB, does the same
advice re temp files and corruption apply, or would editing a document from
a flash drive provide enough room for Word to work?


Graham Mayor

As long as the 'drive' can accept the size of the file and the likely
temporary files, you should be OK. I use a laptop harddrive in a USB2 case,
which emulates a flash card. I have no problems saving to that, yet I still
prefer to save to hard drive and copy to the external drive.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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As Graham has stated, there must be room for both the document and the temp
file to fit on the removable drive. Like Graham, my advice is never to save
to any form of removable media. It is so much safer saving to the local HDD
and copying across to other media. That 30 seconds longer may save hours of
work or even a once in a life time work of genius.

: Juanita, if you don't mind spending a bit of money (~$30-100?), "flash
: drives" or "key drives" are portable storage options that hold much more
: than a floppy--they plug into a USB port and all relatively recent
: should read them without a problem. You should be able to Google either
: term for more information.
: Graham and Suzanne, with a flash drive of say 64MB or 128MB, does the same
: advice re temp files and corruption apply, or would editing a document
: a flash drive provide enough room for Word to work?
: Dayo
: "Graham Mayor" wrote:
: > On your hard drive! You should *never* save to floppy. If you want to
: > transport the document, use a compression tool like Winzip or WinRar to
: > it to several floppies from the hard drive.
: >
: > --
: > <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
: > Graham Mayor - Word MVP
: > E-mail (e-mail address removed)
: > Web site
: > Word MVP web site
: > <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>>< ><<>
: >
: >
: > Juanita wrote:
: >> I can't save it on a floppy disc where else can I save a large
: >> document?
: >
: >

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I did make an exception for flash drives in my answer, and I think you would
be unlikely to fill up a reasonable sized one in a normal work session.
FWIW, I bought my husband a 256 MB Sony for Christmas for just $70 at
Staples, and if the promised $20 rebate comes through, it will have been
quite reasonable.

Dayo Mitchell

Sorry, Suzanne, missed your reference to the flash drives. Thanks for the
pricing info--I asked for mine for Christmas so hadn't priced them myself at
all. :)


Dayo Mitchell

Thanks Terry and Graham--I've been wondering how far that principle applied
to flash drives for a bit now. I'll keep it in mind.


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