Save My Settings Wizard for Office 2007?



Does Office 2007 have a utility like the Save My Settings Wizard of Office


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

It is expected that users use the Vista Windows Easy Transfer option.
However, it has some issues with Outlook.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Daddy asked:

| Does Office 2007 have a utility like the Save My Settings Wizard of
| Office 2002/2003?
| Daddy


It is expected that users use the Vista Windows Easy Transfer option.
However, it has some issues with Outlook.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, Daddy asked:

| Does Office 2007 have a utility like the Save My Settings Wizard of
| Office 2002/2003?
| Daddy

This is just f__king stupid, I dunno what M$ or the developers
thinking, everytime they provide a nice neat decent tools to the
users, then they take it away.
Photo Editor is one, Save My Settings Wizard is the other. Among with
so many examples.

I dont care if WET or USMT can do the job, it's just STUPID, why SMSW
is a simply nice tool that can do they job, but we need to use 2
complicated tools that ppl actually report there are problems?

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