Save of Linked file does not retain changes


Henry Thompson

Hi everyone

I've an intermittent problem with saving changes to files in MSProject
Standard 2003.

I’m using a master project plan which contains read/write links to a number
of detailed product plans, editing of the product plans is done via master
project plan.

After modification of the content of the product plans, saving (using save
all), closing the master plan and then reopening the changes which were made
have not always been saved.

No error codes or warnings are received as saves are done or MSP was

The last saved date & time of both the project plan and the individual
product plans show date/time appropriate to the instant that the save was

Until recently the master project plan and linked product plans are stored
on the same drive within the company and no problems had been reported.

Since some 2 weeks ago an additional drive has been in use and the
particular colleague experiencing this problem has the project plan and
product plans saved on separate drives, could this possibly the root cause of
the problems I’m seeing?

If I recall correctly the MSP specification indicates that 1,000 linked
plans are permissible, my own trials to test this showed that things became
pretty flaky and MSP would on occasions crash at around the 700 to 850 linked
files mark however the particular project plan in question has < 100 linked
product plans within it.

Any assistance or pointers to resolving this would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


Mike Glen

Hi Henry,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Linking between projects has always been somewhat touchy within Project,
particularly when project files are in different folders or drives. I
strongly suggest you keep them all in one folder and don't move them.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

Henry Thompson

Hi Mike

Thanks for the prompt response, I guess that confirms the suspicions which
I’d alluded to in my original e-mail.

I’ll advise colleagues to stick with the arrangement which we started out
with i.e. where the project and product schedules linked into them are only 2
to 3 levels apart in the folder hierarchy rather than being on separate

Thanks again for the advice.

Henry Thompson
Resource Planner

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