Save offline feature / export and import mpp



Hello, can anyone suggest, how to solve folowing issue:

we use project server 2003, all mpp's are stored there, but there is a
couple of projects with need to be partly updated by our clients (outside the
company and without project server access ).

It is not a problem to export schedule as MPP file and send via email. BUT
how to import updated MPP back to project server?

Of course we can use ctrl+c and ctrl+v solution, but this doesn't work
properly (our integration to other application causes errors - newly copied
tasks are not recognised as the original - probably an unique ID is changed).

Solution for us could be an extended functionality of Save offline (with
possibility to select destination folder, than to open it after recieving MPP
via email, and finally saving this online with selection of source file) -
but this is as I know today unavailable.

I'm able to find mpp file saved by using Save offline feature, but is not
possible to reopen it on other PC than has been saved by.

Can someone help me?

Thanks, Petr CHARYPAR

Ben Kolt


Hello. I am fairly new to Project Server, but I can suggeest three options:

1. Use the Save as feature to make a copy for your off-site client then use
the Tools-> Enterprise Options -> Import Project to Enterprise. This will
allow you to bring the project back in after you naswer several questions.

2. Set up Terminal Services to allow remote access for your clients.

3. Have your client update the plan and clearly mark the items they have
modified (I suggest bold in a unique color) and have someone inside your
organization key in all of the changes. Th9is is a bit time consuming, but
it will make sure that someone internal is familiar with all of the changes
because they have seen/touched them.

Ben Kolt
Education Manager
ASM International

Mike Glen

Hi Petr ,

Next time, try posting on the server newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24.
Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project
information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Hello Ben,

thank you. All you have written can help, but I'm trying to find solution,
that the project schedule (mpp) placed on project server will be enabled to
be update by external people, but without direct access to the server (we
can't allow access for externs to our intranet).

You can save MPP as a file and than import, but only as a new project
schedule and you must erase the old one at the same time. The schedule is the
new one than and our system doesn't accept this (is not recognized as
original schedule and we must set up all relations newly).

And the feature to import the updated mpp file as an already existing
project on project server is not available, as I know.

So - the solution I'm trying to find is the automatic update of changes -
your third solution, but without people work. The nearest feature is: to save
offline, than find the MPP on local disk, to update the file (someway) and
than save online - but Project Prof. doesn't allow to open MPP directly ("by
clicking on it") or on other computer.

Thank you for your advice. If you'll have any other clue, please write this.



Hello Mike,

can you please tell me, what is the best newsgroup for my problem (and URL)?

On the address you've given is more than one group. And in addition to this,
I 'm not able to access address like "microsoft.public.project".

Thanks. P.

Mike Glen

Sure, Petr :) The FAQ lists the three project newsgroups provided by
Microsoft. As you're using Project Server, then the newsgroup you want is
microsoft.public.project.server. I use a newsreader like Outlook Express. I
can't understand why you cannot access microsoft.public.project as you
already are - that's this newsgroup that you're accessing and reading :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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