Save position for graphic



I have a document that I need to save a simple grahic to each page in the
same position on that page. My default save offsets the position to the
left and to the bottom slightly. How do I go about changing this offset save
position so I can accomplish what I need to do?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

What version of Word are you using?

What file format are you saving in?

Is this a graphic you inserted from file into the header or footer, or?

I have a document that I need to save a simple grahic to each page in the
same position on that page. My default save offsets the position to the
left and to the bottom slightly. How do I go about changing this offset save
position so I can accomplish what I need to do?>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


I'm using 2007 version. The format is doc format. The graphic will not
necessarily be in the header or footer. It will be a hyperlink for the
document and must be on each page in the same location.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

Word is text reflow rather than page layout software.

You can repeat data in a Word document in a number of ways, such as
but the positioning reliably, of a hyperlinked graphic, can be difficult if it's part of the text flow and folks can type in the

To repeat something in the same location on each page having it tied to the header/footer
is likely to be the most reliable, but you may not be able to access the hyperlink that way directly. You may be able to create a
Word 'frames' page to have a top frame that is visible.

I'm using 2007 version. The format is doc format. The graphic will not
necessarily be in the header or footer. It will be a hyperlink for the
document and must be on each page in the same location. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


I think there must be an easier way. If I take a clipart object and apply
the link to the clipart, then copy that clipart to the Word copy buffer I
essentiallly have what I want. But every time I paste it into the document
Word thinks it knows more than I do and offsets the pasted copy by .17"
horizontal and .17" verticle. If I just knnew how to defeat the automatic
offset I'd be happy.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

If you're duplicating a graphic Word will offset it so it's visible in the pasted stack. For example, start a new Word document and
draw a rectangle autoshape.

With the rectangle still selected press Ctrl+D several times. Is that the same offset you're seeing? It's basic function was from
folks saying they were copying and pasting graphics but didn't see the copies.

I think there must be an easier way. If I take a clipart object and apply
the link to the clipart, then copy that clipart to the Word copy buffer I
essentiallly have what I want. But every time I paste it into the document
Word thinks it knows more than I do and offsets the pasted copy by .17"
horizontal and .17" verticle. If I just knnew how to defeat the automatic
offset I'd be happy. <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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