save powerpoint to two locations?


Glen Millar


You can't paste Word macros into PowerPoint and have them work since they
are two different types of animals. For example, if you reference a page in
word, it doesn't transfer to PowerPoint, which has beasts such as slides/
slideshow mode (although similar) Etc..

Grahams' macro is about an auto save/ backup. You problem is to get
PowerPoint to so something twice (save one, and save again), something
Steve/ Shyam/ Etc can handle.

If you walk to the window and yell "Steve", he, or someone else will help
out, while I sleep.

Seriously, I know that sound like nonsense, but it's the way the internet


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Please tell us your PowerPoint version

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at
the original
glen at pptworkbench dot com


Will this work just like the Word macro??? (by clicking on the separately
created icon for the word it saves to BOTH the original location and the
designed "backup" location?) In other words, do you have to use that new
macro by clicking only once, or do you have to click twice on two different

Also, do you know if there is also something available for Excel?

Enric Mañas

Thank you DrMarsha...

That's one of the many things I like of Discussion Groups...

There is always something new to learn each day...

Today I've discovered some new words...

Bad-mannered was the one I've found first, but I've learnt that there are
many more... rude, brattish, uncivil, discourteous, impolite, ill-bred...

Thank you very much DrMarsha... really...

Very cordialmente


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