Hey, I am having a little bit of a problem. Everytime I try to save
anything in Word or Excel, I click on the save as button and then Save
As box pops up and it takes a few seconds like its looking for something
and then save windows is not responding, wait for the program, restart
the program or close the program. And in the little address bar at the
top of the save as box, it looks like the folder its trying to access
and save to is the AppData/Local/Temp. But when i went into my office
save location it is set to My Documents. I have no idea what to do, I
need some help please
and I can answer any questions for you guys too
if I confused you with any of that lol. Also I am using Vista and Office
anything in Word or Excel, I click on the save as button and then Save
As box pops up and it takes a few seconds like its looking for something
and then save windows is not responding, wait for the program, restart
the program or close the program. And in the little address bar at the
top of the save as box, it looks like the folder its trying to access
and save to is the AppData/Local/Temp. But when i went into my office
save location it is set to My Documents. I have no idea what to do, I
need some help please
if I confused you with any of that lol. Also I am using Vista and Office