and make sure your host has set up Email Transport
| See the booking forms etc...
| >-----Original Message-----
| >skc,
| >
| >How about a URL for your form page. The FP Save Results
| >message can be a result of faulty form properties as well
| >as extensions.
| >
| >Mike,
| >
| >Form Tutorials & Form Script Examples
| >
| >>-----Original Message-----
| >>The ISP is run by a load of idiots who don't know about
| >>this...I did a google search while I was on the phone to
| >>them and they denied that problem you mentioned.
| >>
| >>I asked them to check SMTP and the fpage.ini file, but
| >>they put me on hold for around 10 mins to say everything
| >>is fine.
| >>
| >>What do I tell them to do or check????
| >>
| >>I believe my site is hosted on Server 2003 with FP
| >>extensions.
| >>
| >>HELP!!!!!
| >>
| >>>-----Original Message-----
| >>>If you are trying to have your results emailed, the
| host
| >>must set up the
| >>>forms to email feature in the FP extensions, so you'll
| >>need to contact them.
| >>>--
| >>>-----
| >>>Tom P. Willett
| >>>Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>
| >>
| t
| >..
| >>mspx
| >>>To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >>>
| >>>----
| >>message
| >>>| >>>| I just published my FP2000 site to my ISPs webserver,
| >>and
| >>>| my email web forms have the heading: [Save Results
| >>>| Component], as if the forms are on a local web server!
| >>>|
| >>>| Is it my fault or the ISPs?
| >>>|
| >>>| It was working before.
| >>>|
| >>>| skc
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>.
| >>>
| >>.
| >>
| >.
| >