save sheet & print automaticly




I created an invoice sheet with all the client information I need, an
also with all the details of what he ordered.

Lets call my client "George Lucas" and my sheet "invoice.xls".

All of the areas in the sheet that does not need to be edited, ar

So what I was to di is this!

When filled with the information of my client, I want to create
button that when clicked, it will automaticly save the sheet to
folder on my desktop with the name of the client entered in the nam
field, and will print the sheet afterward. Also, I want it to clos
the document and leave my "invoice.xls" all blank after that.

So when I click the button on the sheet somewhere, it will save m
sheet on my desktop in a folder named "sheet", abd the xls file will b
named for that matter "george lucas.xls", and it will also print th
invoice to my printer, and close. And when I will open m
"invoice.xls" file for another client, all fields will be blank...

Hope I'm clear enough...

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to make it with macros...

Hope someone can help me out !

You can reach me at : (e-mail address removed)

Best regards



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