Save signature in one note to personalize Word docs.



I have a tablet PC and One note. I signed my name on the tablet in one note
and would like to make a .jpg or other file so that I can insert this on any
document at any time (just to personalize the document not for legal
matters). How can I do this?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

OneNote isn't the best application for that use. Fire up a graphics program
like Microsoft Paint (Start | Programs | Accessories...), write your
signature there and save the file.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Thank you Ben that works awesome. I decided to try something else. The
signature in One Note is more fluid and believable so I wrote it there, then
I did the following "tools | treat ink as | picture" then I picked it up with
copy and paste to "MS Paint" croped it and saved it a a jpeg and it looks
fabulous. thanks for the Help

James Gockel

It works because of the image in onenote is a vector image, and when pasted
into mspaint it does it's own anti-aliasing... Where signing directly, or
"painting" with mspaint is a very sharp line, and you dont get the effect.
Why he couldn't have copied it directly from onenote to the document? I dont

But a vector image will print soo much better than a raster, which my dad
and I have been trying to figure out how we can get his mass mailing
software to print with vector images, but it wont and we get crappy
signatures... but we want it to look as real as possible. So it doesnt work.
-James G.

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