Save templates in different groups?


Steve Vincent

Hi, this should be an easy one...

In the old days, it seems that you could save document templates into the
different groups (Letters & Faxes, Legal Pleadings, Memos, etc.) by saving
into subfolders under the Templates folder with those names; then the
templates would appear in the Templates dialog box under the tabs that share
the same name as the folder. I don't seem to be able to find such a grouping
of folders -- is there a way to save user-created templates into those groups?

Thanks in advance,

Stefan Blom

Have you tried creating the folders that you want? That should still work.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Suzanne S. Barnhill

As Stefan says, this should work as in previous versions, but you must be
careful to make the folder name exactly the same as the tab label. You can
also create custom tabs this way, but note that probably, as in previous
versions, you won't see the tab until the folder contains at least one

Stefan Blom

You are welcome--and thank you for the feedback.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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