save with embedded fonts



In a certain document written using Word 2002 I use unusual fonts and
symbols. How can I ensure that when I send this document to another PC it
will show the same fonts and symbols I use?

I think it has to do with saving the fonts used in the document, but when I
go to save the document as a Word doc, it does not give me the option to
save the unusual fonts with the document. How do I do that other than send
it as a pdf?



Suzanne S. Barnhill

On the Save tab of Tools | Options, you should have an option to "Embed
TrueType fonts." This will be possible, of course, only if the font license
permits embedding.



I found it. Shame there is not a option to do it per document, rather than
globally, but I only need it for this time so I will change it back when I
am done.



Terry Farrell

You can do this on a file-by-file basis. Use File, SaveAs and click on the
Options button in the dialog.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This actually is a per-document setting, though it may not be obvious that
it is.

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