save Wsh to closed/opened WB




I need to save the worksheet(VG) which exist in workbook(A) to th
workbook named (Cot) which is located in My Document Folder:

once the Cot workbook is closed
once the Cot workbook is opened

:( :( :(

NB: I know how to save the mentioned sheet to a new workboo

Jim Rech

You must open Cot. No way around that. Then copy the sheet, save and close

Jim Rech
Excel MVP
| Hi
| I need to save the worksheet(VG) which exist in workbook(A) to the
| workbook named (Cot) which is located in My Document Folder:
| once the Cot workbook is closed
| once the Cot workbook is opened
| :( :( :(
| NB: I know how to save the mentioned sheet to a new workbook
| --
| helmekki
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