Hey Folks,
My word form has a button that triggers opens the SaveAs dialog using
combination of the values of several labels and a textbox as the fil
Currently it works fine the first time the user initiates it.
If the user needs to save a different version of the file, wit
modified values, when they opens SaveAs again the title defaults to th
current name, rather than to the modified values.
'If OkaySave was selected, bOpenSaveAs will be true so SaveAs will run
If bOpenSaveAs = True Then
'Interupts SaveAs dialog if any fields are empty
If bEmptyFields = True Then
bEmptyFields = False
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if a path exists (and therefore the file was previously saved).
'If not then changes diectory to N:\
If ActiveDocument.Path = "" Then
WordBasic.ChDir "N:\"
End If
'Opens SaveAs Dialog with entire Job Number as filename
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSummaryInfo)
.Title = Trim(lblNata.Caption) & Trim(txtJobNumber.Text) & Trim(lblAmend.Caption) & Trim(lblReIssue.Caption) & Trim(lblPrelimPrelim.Caption)
End With
End If
eg The Vaules may be:
lblNata.Caption = N
txtJobNumber.Text = 84392
lblAmend.Caption = a
lblReIssue.Caption = ""
lblPrelimPrelim.Caption = ""
The hence combined values may be N84392a
So N84392a appears as the SaveAs file name.
If the user Saves, the reopens the form and modifies to:
lblNata.Caption = N
txtJobNumber.Text = 84392
lblAmend.Caption = a2
lblReIssue.Caption = ""
lblPrelimPrelim.Caption = ""
SaveAs opens with N84392a, rather than the expected N84392a2.
Any ideas?
My word form has a button that triggers opens the SaveAs dialog using
combination of the values of several labels and a textbox as the fil
Currently it works fine the first time the user initiates it.
If the user needs to save a different version of the file, wit
modified values, when they opens SaveAs again the title defaults to th
current name, rather than to the modified values.
'If OkaySave was selected, bOpenSaveAs will be true so SaveAs will run
If bOpenSaveAs = True Then
'Interupts SaveAs dialog if any fields are empty
If bEmptyFields = True Then
bEmptyFields = False
Exit Sub
End If
'Check if a path exists (and therefore the file was previously saved).
'If not then changes diectory to N:\
If ActiveDocument.Path = "" Then
WordBasic.ChDir "N:\"
End If
'Opens SaveAs Dialog with entire Job Number as filename
With Dialogs(wdDialogFileSummaryInfo)
.Title = Trim(lblNata.Caption) & Trim(txtJobNumber.Text) & Trim(lblAmend.Caption) & Trim(lblReIssue.Caption) & Trim(lblPrelimPrelim.Caption)
End With
End If
eg The Vaules may be:
lblNata.Caption = N
txtJobNumber.Text = 84392
lblAmend.Caption = a
lblReIssue.Caption = ""
lblPrelimPrelim.Caption = ""
The hence combined values may be N84392a
So N84392a appears as the SaveAs file name.
If the user Saves, the reopens the form and modifies to:
lblNata.Caption = N
txtJobNumber.Text = 84392
lblAmend.Caption = a2
lblReIssue.Caption = ""
lblPrelimPrelim.Caption = ""
SaveAs opens with N84392a, rather than the expected N84392a2.
Any ideas?