saved hyperlinks don't open



A spreadsheet with hyperlinks to series of folders containing the documents
when saved to a DVD don't function when the DVD is read. How can I burn
data to a DVD and save the functionality in relation to hyperlinks

Gary''s Student

Just be sure that the hyperlink specifies a logical drive and that you have
assigned that drive letter to the DVD player.

Something like:



The DVD will be given to another person and I will not know the drive letter
for the particular player. Is it possible for the link to see the DVD in
whatever drive is being used.

Jacob Skaria

You are looking for a folder right?

--If the .xls placed outside any folders; and you have a folder called temp;
try the below

=HYPERLINK("temp\","Click me")

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did as you suggested this was the line created -
=HYPERLINK("Test\611","611.1 NVQ Level 4 Strategy")
Test was the folder with other folder inside (611 was the taget folder)
611.1 NVQ Level 4 Strategy was the file to open

It failed

Jacob Skaria

Can you try this in a folder (not to be copied to DVD).

--Create a folder called test.
--Save an xls file to test folder so that it would be \\..test\book1.xls
--Create folder within test called temp \\..\test\temp
--Place another file within the temp folder \\..\test\temp\book2.xls
--Make sure you save both book1 and book 2.xls files
--In book1.xls create hyperlinks (saved book) and try

=HYPERLINK("temp\","Click to open folder")
=HYPERLINK("temp\book2.xls","Click to open file book2")

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