Saved Outlook to .pst before leaving job. Trying to open at home

  • Thread starter Don McCauley @ ValueComm
  • Start date

Don McCauley @ ValueComm

I left a job and backed up my messages to a .pst file. Now I am trying to
open the file at home. It won't open. I have Outlook, but am not using it
for anything. I would just like to open my messages.

Thank you.
(e-mail address removed)


Bad idea,
In OL File> open > data (personal folders) file
pst has to be on hd and read only off. Do not overwrite any existing pst
NB if the pst is 2003 unicode format and your version of OL is earlier you
cannot open it.

Ron Tuijnman

Don McCauley @ ValueComm said:
I left a job and backed up my messages to a .pst file. Now I am trying to
open the file at home. It won't open. I have Outlook, but am not using
for anything. I would just like to open my messages.

....Hi Don, I recognize the problem. There's only one solution that really
works fine: MailToFile! Saves messages as seperate files so you can put it
anywhere on the server or harddisk. No hassling with PST's that will get
corrupted (not IF but WHEN!). Realy a great product. You can share your
mails now with any co-worker that has access to the directory you saved them
Create Back-up's the same way you would with ordinairy files, zipped or not.
Man I really don't knwo how I ever made it without it!

There's only one thing: for all I know it's a Dutch product, but the
helpdesk is multi-langual and the program really has a very intuitive User
Interface so that shouldn't be a problem!
Just mail to "Jules at joulesUnlimited dot NL" and ask for a demoversion.
It's free for all I know!

Really great, use it myself for about a year and a half now!

Have fun!

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