Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
If you have a recent version, you can try Open and Repair, but once a
document is corrupted in this way, there's often little that can be done.
this is an extremely disturbing
answer to a very serious problem.
i have been using ms-word 2000
since... well, 2000. once in awhile
a file becomes corrupted & won't
open, or when it does open, it shows
those little rectangles. i deduced
that when those rectangles appear,
ms-word is trying to open the file
in chinese or some other language,
even though that is not what i want
to do.
recently (yesterday), i was working
on a file in word 2000. i authored this
file in w2000 & have been indexing
it for months in w2000. every day i
save a backup on my external hard
drive--i've been burned too many
times by microsoft not to take that
so, after doing several hours of very
precise indexing on this 1.2mg file,
suddenly it won't open. it won't scroll
down to the end & it won't allow me to
make additional changes. the little
hourglass just sits there.
after several tries, i finally just went
to bed, leaving it to continue trying
to load the file. when i woke up, same
curiously enough, i could open in in
wordperfect v.12, a piece of software
that came loaded on my computer but
which i have no desire to use.
however, wp12 managed to open it &
even shows all my indexing fields. the
trouble is that when i export it as a
w2000 file or copy & paste it into a new
word document, the fields come in liter-
ally--not as index fields.
this means i have to go over each one
by hand in this 220-page document &
remark each one with an index field.
why? why does microsoft treat me so bad?
i was a loyal supporter of microsoft & a big
fan of bill gates (i live in seattle) for 20
years. then i got a computer with windowsME.
that crappy os almost ruined my life.
no one ever contacted me to tell me there
were fixes for ME so i kept using it &
crashing for years. i live just above the
poverty line & am trying to finish this
project so i can improve my living by
making a profit with my work. but i have
to say, microsoft & ms-word have really
made that hard for me.
if i had any other choice, i would never
use microsoft products again. this post
is the fourth or fifth problem i've sent to
these groups, trying to get help on an
issue. the amount of time i've spent in
these pursuits is obscene.
so, suzanne, am i to understand that my
file, now corrupted, cannot be recovered
in any way? why? i did nothing wrong.
microsoft should fix this or retype the
entire document for me & pay me for the
time i've lost.
if i sound a little bit angry, believe me,
you are not feeling the depth of anger
i have because of this issue & all the
other issues i've had for years with
microsoft products.
i'm not here to beg someone to help help
help me!!! why should i have to ask for
help after i paid so much money & trusted
microsoft so completely?
just tell me this: am i screwed? have i
lost months' worth of work because word
decided to go sideways?
diane in seattle