"SaveDate" field not working?


Barbara White

I'm using Word 2000 on Windows 2000 to create a template.

I've entered this field into my footer:

{ SAVEDATE \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm am/pm \* MERGEFORMAT }

(I did this by selecting Insert > Field and selecting "SaveDate" from
the Field Names panel. I then inserted the type of date format to use.)

I have two problems:

1. The minutes do not update when I do a save or whenever I update the
fields. (I selected all, right-clicked, and selected "Upate Fields".)

2. When I use the template, the last saved dates are 0/0/0000 0:00 AM.
When I save and/or update the document, the 0s remain.

Am I missing a step?


Greg Maxey


I looked at this earlier today. Although the help file states:
SaveDate: Inserts the date and time a document was last saved, using
information ("Modified") on the Statistics tab in the Properties dialog box
(File menu).

This field will not generate seconds (i.e., { SaveDate \@ "MMM dd, yyyy
hh:mm:ss am/pm } will not update seconds even though the "Modified"
information is file properties will reflect seconds.

This adds nothing to the thread, but I found it odd.

( @ @ )
Greg Maxey
A peer in "peer to peer" support
Rockledge, FL


Yes, odd indeed. But it surely still needs the closing quote, whatever
display format you request?

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