ian said:
Is there a way to save a file in word in 2 different
places at once
On the c: drive and at the same time on the d: drive
I am going to assume that D is a CD burner of some kind. It is very foolish
to save directly to *ANY* form of removable storage media - it is an
excellent way to lose your work should something happen during transfer. You
should cultivate better practice, and *COPY* to the media *AFTER* saving it
to the hard drive - never has the old adage "more haste, less speed" been
truer than in this scenario. If you save directly to a RSD (Removable
Storage Device) and something happens then, unless you've been autosaving
and Word can recover the autosave file, you've lost everything.
It is always far more prudent to save to the hard drive and copy across. You
should also never edit a file directly from RSM either; always copy it back
to the hard drive first, edit it, save changes to the hard drive and then
copy across to the RSD.
Don't say you weren't warned...